Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Tagged: New To eCommerce - Page 4

eCommerce QuickStart: Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform

This is probably your most important purchase aside from the products or services you choose to support. (and not just because we sell shopping cart software). Selecting a new shopping cart for your web site is like hiring a new employee). This employee is going to have a ton of responsibilities…

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eCommerce QuickStart: Selecting the Right Web Hosting Provider

As the saying goes, “Location is Everything”…

When you select a location for your brick and mortar store, you’re always cognizant of the location. Selecting a home for your new web site is also important. There are plenty of cheap hosts out there that offer dirt cheap pricing that certainly fits the budget…but beware…that pricing usually comes with some strings.

Fact: Everybody wants to make money. You should not begrudge anyone for wanting their business to make money, you just have to know “how” they plan to make it. Most cheap hosting companies get you in the door with a cheap monthly hosting fee (which is fine), but don’t think for one minute that this is how they make their money. In fact, they’re going to try and make quite a bit of money off of you once you’re in the door.

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eCommerce QuickStart: Naming Your Website

Or, more like “Naming Your Child”…

This is where your “smart planning” kicks in. Many folks get enamored with the name they’ve chosen for their new company. They’re even more excited when they find out that they can license But here’s the rub…the reason this URL is available is because no one would likely use it. Think a little bit about what you sell and how search engines work.

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eCommerce QuickStart Series Announced

We’ll start at the very beginning. Obviously you have a product or products in mind and the means to create or purchase them as a reseller. Good. That’s really all you need to begin planning and setting up a new e-commerce web site. The rest is just smart planning.

The upcoming eCommerce QuickStart series will help clients who are new to ecommerce understand the process of getting an online store up and running with ClickCartPro and EuropaCart.

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