TLS1.1 has been deactivated on Kryptronic Managed Hosting servers as of March 21, 2022. This was done to ensure continued compliance with PCI requirements – to enable our managed hosting clients to continue to pass PCI vulnerability scans.
Kryptronic Managed Hosting: TLS1.1 Deactivation
On March 21, 2022 at 10:00 AM ET, the ability to connect securely using TLS1.1 was deactivated on all production Kryptronic Managed Hosting servers. All servers now accept only connections using TLS1.2. All servers are capable of securely communicating with remote servers using TLS1.2.
The Kryptronic Central Registration server, which Kryptronic eCommerce software communicates with for registration, update and upgrade purposes, will continue to support TLS1.1 until December 31, 2022. Any self-hosted clients using Kryptronic eCommerce software should ensure TLS1.2 connectivity by December 31, 2022. Consider moving your site to Kryptronic Managed Hosting, we have new servers coming online regularly.
Connections From Your Site to Other Services
Due to the PCI requirement to disable TLS1.1 connectivity, services all over the Internet have been deactivating TLS1.1 for the past year. We have seen UPS, FedEx, PayPal, and many others make this change. As our Kryptronic Managed Hosting servers are capable of securely communicating with remote servers using TLS1.2, there are no changes necessary to maintain communication with these services. We are good to go.
Your Mail and FTP Connections to Your Site
You may need to update your mail client software, or FTP client software, in order to continue to connect securely to your site hosted with Kryptronic Managed Hosting. Both Mail and FTP software must now use TLS1.2 for secure connections. Ensuring you have mail and FTP client software installed on your computer which can communicate with your site via TLS1.2 (any client software updated or created since 2015) will ensure you stay connected.
Web Traffic for Your Site
You should expect very minimal impact, if any, for people who visit your site with their web browser. Virtually every modern web browser in use today supports TLS1.2. There is a short list of browsers which are known not to support TLS1.2. Those are: Android 4.3 and lower; MSIE6 on WinXP; MSIE7 on WinVista; MSIE8 through MSIE10 on Win7; WinPhone 8. If you receive an inquiry from a customer using such a device who cannot access your site, you should urge them to upgrade to newer and more secure web browser (any web browser software updated or created since 2015). Their browsing experience across the entire Internet will better as a result.
Questions or Issues
Please submit a Basic Support Ticket if you have any questions or issues. We are standing by to help you through this transition. Thank you.