Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Software Update: Version 9.0.1

Software version 9.0.1 has been released. This version is the first official update released for Kryptronic eCommerce software version 9. Kryptronic eCommerce software version 9 is available available to existing clients.

Current Users: Click here for upgrade and update instructions

Items Added/Changed In This Version

System / Helper Added: Database backup – backup database to file.

System / Helper Added: Remove demo store data from the entire system with one click.

System / Helper Added: htaccess file builder – shows recommended htaccess file setup for the install, removing guesswork.

System / Helper Added: Localize function – allows easy turning on/off US, Canadian, UK, EU and Rest of the World countries and states/provinces/counties. QUick access to tax and dimensional settings.

Microdata support expanded to category, manufacturer and HTML pages as well as organizational info added. MicroData extension module necessary to make use of this.

Added new prodsearchref namespace which allows targeting a search term via a direct namespace call. A URL pointing to this namespace is now used as the canonical URL for all search requests. New global added to allow forcing a canonical URL.

USPS shipping module updated to pull commercial rates when retail rates are unavailable. Updated to support Regional A/B services.

Custom shipping script shipping array updated to use inventory item ids as item refs, instead of product offer ids in the item array (stock scripts do not reference this array).

Batch Shipping Manager modules updated to allow time to live controls for batch information. The default is unchanged at 7 days, options available up to 90 days to allow for processing time on custom orders. The batching function is now limited to 1000 orders at a time (more can be batched, only 1000 max per batch).

Inventory Inspector updated to pull recent order information based on order date.

OpenGraph support dropped to delete redundant meta/micro data and clean up display heads.

Purchase order manager updated to allow a maximum of 1000 inventory items to be ordered from a single vendor. Also updated to preload item options as item notes for dropship order purchase orders.

Order summary displays updated to display options with line breaks where requested, similar to cart/checkout displays.

Custom Package and Inventory Item displays updated to show inventory item detail information when only one item is available due to stock issues. Provides better detail display.

Channel displays updated to support future Walmart and Jet modules.

Third party affiliate include removed, replaced with settings for third party code, included iDevAffiliate quick settings.

Order removal cron updated to recognize storing pending orders forever (default is off).

Inventory items received new control to select whether options are available when the item is displayed as part of a base offer, or addon, or both.

Download file support extended to option selection items.

Order complete rmcartdata() function replaced with rmgendata() function which removes cart data and sets review status to reviewed when orders are completed (in case order was shipped or otherwise processed without review).

The default selection for advanced product searches was changed from ‘ANY’ words to ‘ALL’ words.

Statistical logging updated to remove namepspace logging and speed up daily statistical logging. Several unused advanced reports removed.

The ability to edit PHP includes via the management interface was removed. This function became unnecessary and removal is better for security.

Files {public}/media/ecom/manusm/DEMO-DEMOSTORE.jpg, {public}/media/ecom/prodpdf/DEMO.pdf updated to use current Kryptronic logo.

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability