Kryptronic Managed Hosting uses only secure connectivity for all mail communications within our system. The following tutorial will help you quickly and easily set up Microsoft Outlook (2007-up) with your Kryptronic Mail account. Each mail account has a Send Mail (SMTP) and a Receive Mail (POP). Both send and receive will require different ports and there are also IMAP settings which allow you to share your mail over various devices.
Start Outlook. On the Tools menu, click Account Settings. This is where you’ll configure the ports and servers you need to collect and send mail using your version of Outlook and Kryptronic Managed Hosting.
Incoming Mail Setup: POP3 (Secure)
Port: 995
Check: This Server Requires an encrypted connection (SSL)
Server Name: Kryptronic mail server name (provided)
Username: Your Full Email Address
Password: Your Email Password
Incoming Mail Setup: IMAP (Secure)
Port: 993
Encryption Type: SSL/TLS
Server Name: Kryptronic Mail Server Name (Provided)
Username: Your Full Email Address
Password: Your Email Password
Outgoing Mail Setup: SMTP (Secure)
Port: 587
Encryption Type: STARTTLS
Server Name: Kryptronic Mail Server Name (Provided)
Username: Your Full Email Address
Password: Your Email Password
Note: In some versions of Outlook you may have to set the root folder to INBOX. Please make sure INBOX is in all capital letters.