Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Kryptronic V9 Release Information

Like Santa’s elves, the engineers at Kryptronic have been busy behind the scenes, crafting the latest version of the popular and powerful ClickCartPro shopping cart software. eCommerce is changing and you can either keep up or be left behind. Version 9 will once again propel you to the front of the line.

This is by no means a complete list of features, as the final phases of development and testing are still being completed. But we wanted to keep you abreast of what’s happening with Kryptronic’s new V9 software, so that you can plan accordingly.

Responsive eCommerce Website Design – To the Core

Fully responsive design was introduced for the entire store and management interface. SEO received a number of enhancements including microdata support. Now your entire site can be accessible on all devices, and Google will eat it up. Page renderings are 75% faster than on version 8, and Google SiteSpeed is through the roof!

Full On SKU-Based Inventory Managed with Packages and Bundles

The online store was completely reinvented to support full Inventory Item management, with the ability to create Product Offers for one (or many) Inventory Items in multiple configurations, including Custom Packages and Bundles. That’s right, we’ve built a true SKU-based system and got really creative with Product Offers.

eBay, Amazon and Multiple Website Channels

Selling though multiple channels, including the online store, eBay and Amazon is now supported, and we’ve added MultiSite, which allows you to run multiple websites through a single installation with different URLs and SEO. Now your Kryptronic software can be the focal point on your online sales effort.

Superior Marketing Through Intelligent Promotions

The new software has enhanced marketing features including instant rebates, manufacturer giveaways, packages and bundles, special offer pricing, points and account/email incentives, and expanded discount and gift certificate features.

We’re Making V9 Work, So You Don’t Have To

The Management Interface received an overhaul which introduces improved order management, new pricing and inventory controls, easier to manage displays and more. It’s fully responsive now, too. A full Point of Sale (POS) system is available and can handle all of your customer service order taking needs.

And That’s Just The Tip…

…Of the iceberg; just the major features. If you care at all about things like integrating with WordPress, using UPS Address Verification, processing through BitCoin, or allowing guests to lookup orders, we’ve got you covered too. And that’s still just a taste of what’s coming.

What Can I Do To Get Ready? When is V9 Coming Out?

We realize that it’s now holiday crunch time, but what can you do to prepare for Version 9? We expect the new Kryptronic V9 to launch Summer 2016, so getting ahead of the game now is a great idea. Check out our Support Forum where you see the current projected release date, and can ask questions, pick up tips and get more info on the new software.

V9 Kryptronic Custom Shop Upgrades

If you’re interested in having the Kryptronic custom shop upgrade your site for you, get a Custom Shop Quote. If you currently have a job queued with our Custom Shop, please be aware that we are making every effort to get your job published prior to the V9 public release, including all V9 upgrade jobs currently queued for clients. We’ve chosen to delay the worldwide release of V9 was so that we could handle those of you already scheduled.

We hope that you’re as excited about this year and new release as we are. It’s been a long time coming and when you see it, you’ll be glad you waited.

V9 Beta Site Examples

V9 BETA LINK: A Wish Come True: A Wish Come True has been a Kryptronic client for nearly ten years. Selling millions of dollars worth of dance costumes every year, with high order totals and large order volume, when they approached us about a responsive design for their site, getting them on the V9 beta was a no-brainer. Mobile traffic and conversions are up significantly for A Wish Come True.

V9 BETA LINK: Angel Wholesale: Angel Wholesale is the first large site we’ve done in V9. Jayne at Angel volunteered her site, which is known for pushing boundaries, as a V9 beta site. With nearly 3 million pageviews in the past month, Angel is reporting increased organic traffic, sales, customer retention and conversions due to the switch.

V9 BETA LINK: Butterfly Release Company: The Butterfly Release Company volunteered to become a V9 beta site because they have a high traffic site in a competitive field and they wanted the best presentation possible. The owner, Chad, reports the same increases we’ve seen with Angel. His site has piled on 500k pageviews over the past month and has had no problems at all. He’s loving V9. He’s also loving Kryptronic Managed Hosting.

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability