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Responsive eCommerce – The Future of Mobile Shopping Part 3

This is the third installment of our popular Mobile eCommerce series which deals with the impending future of Mobile eCommerce. You can either prepare for this new world, or be kicked to the digital curb. Kryptronic has opted for the former approach.

Before we go any further, let’s recap: Mobile is here to stay. Google is now requiring a mobile-friendly site to receive the highest possible rankings on mobile searches. You’ve already installed, upgraded or otherwise configured Kryptronic’s V8 software so that it runs in both desktop and mobile modes. You’re all set for now, but what’s next?

You didn’t have a chance to witness Socrates when he made his predictions. You weren’t in the room when George Orwell wrote 1984, but you are here now, so observe while we polish our crystal ball and tell you what’s next in the world of eCommerce. The next big thing is Responsive eCommerce. Hadn’t heard of it? Maybe you have, but don’t know what all the fuss is about? That’s OK. That’s why you have Kryptronic.

What is Responsive eCommerce?

Responsive eCommerce means simply that your web site responds intelligently to the devices that access it.

The responsive site responds by optimizing it’s display for the device. If you access a responsive site with a desktop computer… We’re sure you get it by now. Browsers are always presented with the display that best suits their device.

Is Kryptronic eCommerce Responsive?

Not yet, but we’re working on it. We expect to release a new version of our software in the January 2016 which will be completely responsive. This new version has been in development since mid-2014 and will usher in a new era for Kryptronic, and the web in general. This new release has been dubbed V9, and it’s coming sooner than you think.

How Does Kryptronic V9 Support Responsive eCommerce?

We’re sure you’re familiar with our tried-and-true V8 software. V9 is completely different. Enough said. What? You want more? Alright, but it’s easier to show you than to spell it out. Here are a few links:

DEMO LINK: Angel Wholesale: Angel Wholesale is the first large site we’ve done in V9. Jayne at Angel volunteered her site, which is known for pushing boundaries, as a V9 beta site. With nearly 3 million pageviews in the past month, Angel is reporting increased organic traffic, sales, customer retention and conversions due to the switch.

DEMO LINK: Butterfly Release Company: The Butterfly Release Company volunteered to become a V9 beta site because they needed to get away from a bad host in a hurry, and it so happened we were developing V9 functions at the time that we could test on the site. The owner, Chad, reports the same increases we’ve seen with Angel. His site has piled on 500k pageviews over the past month and has had no problems at all. He’s loving V9. He’s also loving Kryptronic Managed Hosting.

When accessing these links, if you would like to test the responsive nature of the sites, do the following:

If Using a Desktop Computer: Grab an edge of your browser window and resize the window. As you resize your browser window, you will see Kryptronic’s V9 automatically and dynamically change the display to fit the window. If starting with a thin/mobile window, when enlarge your window and it reaches 600px wide, you will see the display change to mid/tablet mode. As you go wider, at 900px, you will see the display change again to wide/desktop mode.

If Using a Tablet: Using most tablets, if holding the tablet in a horizontal/landscape position, you will be viewing the desktop/wide view. If you rotate your tablet to a vertical/portrait position, you will see the display change to one that’s optimized for a tablet (mid/tablet mode).

If Using a Mobile Phone: Using most phones, if holding the phones in a horizontal/landscape position, you will be viewing the tablet/mid view. If you rotate your phones to a vertical/portrait position, you will see the display change to one that’s optimized for a phone (thin/mobile mode).

So Where/When Can I Get V9?

You can’t. At least not yet. We’re adding a little more functionality into the release and are planning on having it publicly available in January 2016. We are already starting to queue upgrades through our Custom Shop and we are giving priority to Kryptronic Managed Hosting clients. If you haven’t yet made your way to our fast and reliable servers, give us a call, open a ticket, or shoot us an email.

Kryptronic Managed Hosting: V9 Priority Upgrades

Thanks and have a great day. Enjoy your mobile/desktop site now, because it will be responsive before you know it.

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability