Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


New Kryptronic Website Launched with New Features & Services

Hello Kryptronic Clients. We are very pleased to announce the launch of a new Kryptronic website at Highlights are listed in this article.

1. We’ve moved the entire wiki (formerly at to a WordPress blog (http://www,  All wiki articles for version 7 and 8 software were moved and updated.

2. The Kryptronic news service is now using WordPress to manage it’s articles and RSS feeds.  RSS feeds are being pulled by the central registration server for server news, by the forum for the news feed on the homepage, and by the main page.

3. A new license lookup function has been added to aid you in verifying installation locations and attached extension modules, etc.  Check it out at

4. We’ve rearranged our entire product catalog to make it easier to purchase Kryptronic software and extension modules.  Now you can add extension modules to new licenses, making checkout easier.

5. Our reseller program was redesigned to give resellers discounts on upgrades and extension modules.  Resellers now get ‘wholesale’ pricing on all items in our store, rather than having to buy special reseller products with discount codes.  If you’re a reseller, you don’t need your code any more – just login to your reseller account and you’ll get the right pricing.

6. New services were launched: Fresh Eyes Site Analytics and Explainer Videos.  Designed to increase customer retention and augment your marketing efforts, these services are worth a look.

7. We’re now offering a free 15 day software trial.  All you have to do is sign up for the trial and we’ll set everything up for you and give you the keys to your trial install.  All trials are being installed on Rackspace cloud servers.

8. We’ve expanded our features and integrations sections to include all new software features, and upcoming integrations.  Our showcase sites have been updated as well.  If you’d like to get your site listed in the showcase, submit a Sales Inquiry form.

Please let us know what you think of the new website.  These updates were made so that we can better serve you.  If you have any problems with our site, please tell us right away by submitting a Sales Inquiry form.  Thank you for being a Kryptronic client and have a great day!

New Website Feedback – Submit a Sales Inquiry Form

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability