Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Are You Taking Advantage of All Kryptronic’s eCommerce Support Options?

In the last 2 years, we’ve spent a great deal of time and energy helping to improve the various avenues of help available to our ecommerce customers. Are you taking advantage?

I Like To Read

Some of us learn best by reading. If you’ve just purchased either ClickCartPro or our EuropaCart shopping cart software products, take a moment to visit our Software Docs. Our Installation Guide takes you by the hand and walks you through each step of the installation process. It helps you get the information you need to easily install our products. Once you’ve gotten the product installed, might we suggest our Getting Started Guide? This breezy 68 page doc will take the guesswork out of setting up your shopping cart. It proceeds in a step by step logical way and takes you from start to finish on a basic store. Once you’re up and running, go to our Software Wiki for advanced step by step instructions through some of our more advanced programming.

I Like To Watch

We’ve become a society driven by video… that’s okay. If you learn better by watching someone else perform tasks, pay a little visit to our Training Videos page. Here you’ll find a comprehensive collection of videos that show you step by step instructions for tasks such as:

Upgrading from Version 6 to 7
Using a spreadsheet to add a large number of products
Adding New Categories

And even…

Using our powerful Product Options to market and Cross-sell

I Still Need Help!

Sometimes, we’re under the gun to get something finished, and a leisurely stroll through a manual or watching a video simply isn’t possible. We need help and we need it now! Have no fear, let’s assess the situation. You can either call us at 1-800-704-4160 (US Toll Free) or 717-793-2607 (International) or email We’ll get you fast answers from our engineers and determine your best course of action.

What about the Advanced Stuff?

We have an excellent and vibrant Community Forum that you can access through our Support menu. Here, you’ll find experts in the community who can help you with more advanced support issues. This forum is moderated by our Kryptronic Engineers on a daily basis… it’s a great place for answers. Not all of us are experts in PHP, so if you have champagne needs, but a beer-level knowledge of programming, call us at 1-800-704-4160 (US Toll Free) or 717-793-2607 (International) and talk to our Custom Shop. Our in-house programmers can make ClickCartPro and EuropaCart sing and dance to any tune you choose… quotes are free!

We don’t farm out our support to a third company, nor do we try to pass you off to some complex expensive process that leaves you feeling ill. You are always free to call our toll free number and we’ll do our best to help you. We do suggest that you email our support address first. Include your site details and the nature of the problem. It’s simple and effective… why not give it a try?

Everyone needs help now and then and we’re glad you trust Kryptronic with your ecommerce needs.

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability