Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Software Update: Version 7.1.2

Software version 7.1.2 has been released. This update, issued under number KRYPT09302010A, includes a number of enhancements for ClickCartPro and EuropaCart users.

Current Users: Click here for upgrade and update instructions

Items Added/Changed In This Version

Added support for PHP 5.3 and above.

Joomla! support enhanced substantially. Most development effort went into connection speed and reliability. New extensions for Joomla! and internal Kryptronic software code result in a 4x speed increase when connecting to Joomla! with realtime template imports activated, and a 25x speed increase when connecting with template import cache enabled (new feature).

Added support for sending mail using the PHP mail() function in addition to the already-supported STMP and sendmail methods. This will give users another option if SMTP authentication information is not available and sendmail is not installed.

Added PostCode Anywhere support. Full lookups available in the account creation and maintenance functions, guest checkout and when working with the address book.

Added 3DSecure support for the SagePay Direct API processing gateway.

Modified the PayPal Website Payments Pro (Direct and Express) logic substantially. Moved the express links to the shopping cart page to match Google Checkout behavior.

Added support for PayPal advanced boarding. Store owners can now take PayPal Website Payments Pro orders immediately following installation, without additional configuration.

Modified all order summary displays (checkout, order confirmation, printable invoice, XHTML and TEXT mail messages) to display EU VAT with shipping separated. Modified displays to be in line with European user requests.

Added MD5 hashing to the shopping cart to faciliate realtime, on-demand updates with less overhead.

Added support to the checkout module for alternative checkouts. Both Google Checkout and PayPal Website Payments Pro are supported now. Additional alternative checkouts will be available in the future.

Multiple enhancements were made to the Google Checkout module to add support for complex shipping, and to fix several API issues.

Debugging of processing gateway requests was modified to be in compliance with PCI regulations when debugging is on.

Modified the company information HTML page to properly display company registration information.

Added support for the SkipJack API processing gateway.

Added support for the Netbanx processing gateway.

UPS, USPS and FedEx modules updated to bring API integrations current.

Extension Module T-HUB was updated to bring the API integration current.

Extension Module ShipWorks was updated to provide better support for product options.

Support for cloud installs (specifically installs on the RackSpace Cloud) is now supported. The program now checks for the SERVER ‘HTTPS’ variable, and if found to be on, defaults the current port to 443 for proper SSL recognition.

Modified the PostgreSQL implementation to explicitly set the client encoding to ‘LATIN1’ so as to avoid UTF-8 encoding errors with currency symbols in XML data definition files.

Management Interface quick links displayed for categories, products and HTML pages are now SEO friendly at all times, regardless of Management Interface connection type (http/https).

Kryptronic debug information closure div modified to remove links to Kryptronic as the div has hidden content. Links now presented with visible floating Kryptronic logo in bottom right.

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability