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Site Doctor: Changing the Logo in the Display Skin

NOTE: This article is pertinent to version 7 only. In version 8, a function was added to the management interface which allows you to change your logo automatically.

In the management interface, go to:

System > Displays > Display Skins

Click Update next to Default (or the name of your skin if you aren’t working with the default).

On the next page click on Upload File: Click here to upload a file to be controlled by this skin. Use the Browse button to locate the logo that you want to use (this file must be on your computer). In the Skin Controlled Directory Selection field select /media as the location to store the logo then click on Submit to upload your new logo.

Changing The Logo Reference and Size

Click Update next to Default (or the name of your skin if you aren’t working with the default). On the next page click on Update next to file name skin.php. In the File Contents field look for

<img src="skins/Default/media/logo.png" alt="Home" width="151" height="40" />

The image tag above may appear more than once in your skin. The 2 things to note in that line are the name of the image file, logo.png, and the size of the image, 151 pixels wide and 40 pixels high. These are the things that we need to change for your sites logo.

Change the name of the image file to match the name that you uploaded earlier (as instructed above under “Uploading A New Logo“). If you are using a Linux server make sure that the case of the file name and extension exactly match (Linux is case sensitive). When changing the name be careful not to erase the slash before the name.

The alt tag that is associated with your logo may also be updated to something more meaningful if desired. Change the width and height parameters to match the width and height of your logo being careful not to delete the double quotes that surround the sizes.

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