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Site Doctor: Download System Explained

Every product and product option selection item in ClickCartPro can have a single or multiple download files associated with it. Download file orders are handled independently of shipping logic – so shipped items as well as non-shipped items can have download files associated with them. Master copies of download files are stored in a private secure directory and accessed via the management interface’s file manager.

Once an order is approved, a copy of a master download file is placed in a public password protected directory. That file copy has a random alpha-numeric string appended to the filename so that it is unique and could not be guessed by anyone. The user is then sent a download URL (pointing directly to their copy of the master file) along with the directory’s username and password. After a certain time period (specified in the management interface) that file is deleted. Up until the time when that file is deleted, the customer can re-download using the same information that was sent to them via email.

It is recommended that the username and password be changed on the public directory at regular intervals. The username and password are stored in the management interface under:

Home >Store > Component > Settings > Download Directory Settings

You set the actual username and password on the public downloads directory using whatever controls your host supplies for password protecting directories. Typically such controls are located in a hosting account control panel. Unix and Linux admins typically prefer using the unix htpasswd program to create a .htpasswd file and using a .htaccess file to point to it (when running Apache servers). This is easy for those who enjoy using a shell.

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