Kryptronic Info Center

The Info Center has articles on everything you need to get your site up and running with Kryptronic software. Hundreds of articles are available which contain tips, tricks, software updates and release notes, and everything you ever wanted to know about eCommerce, but were afraid to ask...


Release Notes: Version 7.0

Version: 7.0

Release Date: July 13, 2009

Major architectural changes were made to the entire platform to make it faster, more efficient and easier to work with and extend. The Kryptronic Hybrid X Core framework was replaced with a unified Version 7 framework.

New web 2.0 management interface with Ajax windows and multitasking. This increases productivity as the interface acts like an operating system now.

New standard management interface which includes all of the functionality in the new Ajax interface without the need to have a browser with JavaScript turned on.

Both the web 2.0 and standard management interfaces were completely overhauled based on user comments to provide a more user friendly and intuitive experience.

Simplified management interface functions and dashboards which are easier to use and less technical. The management interface now remembers your actions to provide better workflow.

New productivity tools like relationship managers and wysiwyg editors.

New management interface dashboard which provides links to all main menu items, a server news recap and stats for pageviews and orders for the past day, month and year.

Use of MooTools instead of Scriptaculous for all JavaScript which increases browser support and efficiency.

Integration with Joomla! via a series of Joomla! components, plugins and modules. This integration allows both Joomla! and the software to install and operate as standalone programs – but connects them to provide true synchronous single-sign-on and user persistence. Also included is the ability to import skin widgets into the Joomla! template and the ability to use the Joomla! template as a skin.

Display system completely rebuilt to make use of Skin Widgets and common skins for all components. Now skin management is very simple with global skin settings that alieviate the hassle of setting skins in multiple locations.

New Skin Widgets include Main Menu, Categories, Online Store Menu, Quick Store Search, Shopping Cart, Currencies, Account Menu, Recently Visited Pages and Popular Pages.

Expanded Quickbooks functionality to include inventory and customer management functionality.

Added new accounting export for Sage.

New PDF-based manuals include more information and are delivered as user guides.

Built in support for Google Analytics and MooTools-based JavaScript tools.

Added new processing gateway integrations for SagePay (Protx), Nochex, Barclaycard (ePDQ), (SECpay), and HSBC.

Support for XMODs to be released soon including a batch shipping, advanced order management, a news feeder, fast checkout, and a Google Base export.

Support for file uploads as product options was added.

Discount codes can now be made to apply to shipping or to exclude shipping.

Expanded content management system capabilities by providing permissions for webpages.

Expanded the state/province and country tax systems to include up to five levels of taxes, exemptions for disabilities and digital goods, and support for non-standard systems like those in the EU, Canada and Austrailia.

Full support in the base program for EU VAT. The new EU VAT system is more efficient than previously available for the software through other vendors, and works with multi-rated products and product options.

Added tax controls to product option selection items, making them further act like true products. They now support different pricing for wholesale accounts, affiliate commission and weight adjustments, download files and individual country and state/province level tax controls.

New order total adjustments in checkout include tax refunds and custom surcharges (the inverse of custom sales).

New company information page provides information about your company for tax purposes.

Timestamp fields added to products, categories and html pages. This timestamp field is updated every time data changes for each product, category and html page and will be used for RSS feeds like the Google Base XMOD.

New controls were added to allow for different numbers of items to be displayed per page when pagination occurs. Added 9, 18, 27, 36 and 45 as options to provide better displays when a odd number of products per row are shown.

Processing methods which use advanced connections and support recurring payments were modified to allow for recurring payment processing when the one-time order total is zero.

Added logic to checkout to allow users to swtich accounts prior to checking out if logged in. This sets up the system to support the fast checkout XMOD, which is soon to be released.

Timed cleanup functions were updated to allow users to never delete items like old orders, users, items, stats and carts.

Dropped support for Microsoft SQL Server.

Updated the ShipEstimator extension module to allow for quick rates on product detail pages.

Kryptronic: Security. Stability. Reliability