Version: 5.0
Release Date: August 6, 2002
Complete re-write of the codebase and architecture to deal with all of the user requests for features and enhancements. All CCP4 features were kept in some fashion and many more were added.
All of the database code now uses SQL to query tables.
The program runs by default using CSV files (comma separated value), but has the ability to tie into several advanced relational database management systems including MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
100% of the generated HTML and mail displays and are driven by admin editable elements and database tables for the front end and administrator utility. This makes editing all displays painless and readies the program for easy translation to other languages.
All available system variables are now accessible from within HTML pages and elements using a CGIVAR tag and all non-process subroutines and other elements are accessible using CGIGET tags.
The administrator utility has a brand new menu system and security enhancements. The administrator codebase was cut by 75% and all displays are generated using system elements.
All stored passwords are encrypted using a Digest MD5 algorithm.
UPS functionality was enhanced and USPS functionality was added.
File uploads are now handled within the administrator, not requiring an additional script.
Orders now have many levels of completion, from pending payment to pending shipment, partially shipped, shipped, and completed.
Up to 10 customizable fields can be added via admin to the order form and all order form fields are editable using the administrator.
The order process now allows for the use of multiple payment options as well as multiple shipping addresses. All information that can be collected on the initial checkout page is requested, making checkout as short as a two step process for some customers (depending on shipping options).
Integration with new payment gateways: 2CheckOut, Wells Fargo, ViaKlix, RevEcom.
New reports are available including daily statistics, page view statistics and information on products including detail page views, cart adds and orders.
New sections to the online store include Best Sellers, New Items and Specials.
Category wide discounts are now available in currency or percent amounts. Product can have sale prices and be available or not available for category discounts.
Downloadable products are now supported.
Product options can now be inventoried, carry their own weight (+ or -) and pricing (+ or -).
Items can now be taxable on state/province and country levels and both state/province and country taxation can be done before or after shipping charges are applied. The program allows the charging of tax for multiple states/provinces and countries simultaneously.
Dynamic forms have been reworked to present all information in a single step and each form can be assigned it’s own email destination.
Both products and dynamic forms can now be added/processed without residing in the database tables using a remote HTML post API.
Items can now use different shipping methods – you’re not tied into one global method for all products.
Custom shipping scripts are now editable through the administrator and there are several examples and canned scripts that can be used.
The store now uses relationship functionality to manage categories, so an unlimited number of levels of categories is possible.
New payment method options include Switch/Solo, check payment and purchase order. All of the gateway processing logic was reworked to make it much easier to add new gateways and administer supported ones.
All of the category and product displays are now selectable an editable via admin. You can choose how each individual category and item is displayed, modify those displays, or create new ones.
New displays for items include the use of add to cart buttons and short/long descriptions as well as different placement of elements within the various displays.
All image displays for items and categories have a fixed width, but not height. As with all other displays, the fixed width can be removed via admin.
Products now have shipper zip code and email address fields as well as dimension settings. This allows any product to be drop shipped – and the shipper will receive that item via email with all shipping information and option.
Credit card information is encrypted and no longer emailed using the CCP4 methodology.
A printable order invoice is now accessible via admin and every customer is presented with a link to a printer friendly version of their order after confirmation.
The CCP4->CCP5 upgrade scripting is built into the administrator.
The program now uses the CGI Perl module for all form parsing and uploads. This eliminates some secure server errors and provides a better (more widely accepted) way of handling form data.